Tuesday, December 2, 2008

One Month Out

If someone told me how much my life would change in just one month I would never have believed them. For years I refused to consider this surgery, I thought it was too radical, too permanent, not necessary. I thought I was fine with my weight and that it wasn't a problem, the reality is I was lying to myself. My only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. At first was afraid to tell people I was planning to have this surgery, afraid that they would judge me, afraid of how they would react, but now I want to shout it from the rooftops. I FEEL GREAT!

Thanksgiving was great, I had been worried about how I would do with the food but it went fine. I could eat everything that everyone else ate, only a lot less. My bad spell with food seems to be a thing of the past. I can eat more and more variety. It is interesting that as my stomach heals I am able to eat even less than I was before. To put it in perspective I can eat one quarter of a chicken breast or half a cup of soup or one egg or two cheesesticks. I usually eat about 500-600 calories a day.

I have officially hit my first weight loss stall. As of Thanksgiving I had lost fifty pounds, I have not lost any weight in the last few days. I am trying to ride it out and not focus on my weight. Even though I may not be actively losing weight I am still getting smaller, right now I don't have a single pair of pants that fit and I am not complaining.

On Black Friday I decided to go out shopping with my mom at the crack of dawn. (I have no idea why I thought this was a good idea). To compound my stupidity we decided to go to K-Mart, I get nauseous thinking about going to a Walmart so why I thought I could handle K-Mart I don't know. I waited in line to save four dollars on some toy for my niece. I am going to chalk it up for temporary insanity. We walked around all morning running in and out of stores and though I was tired from a lack of sleep I had no aches, no pains, and I could have kept going.

Now that the physical healing from the surgery is done, the next step is to exercise. I am going to start by using the treadmill and will build up from there . I took the picture but haven't posted them yet, I promise I will soon.

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